Euclid Security Programs LLC announces delegated authority partnership with the Insurance Programs unit of PartnerRe

February 15, 2023

Euclid Security Programs LLC announces delegated authority partnership with the Insurance Programs unit of PartnerRe

Euclid Security Insurance

Euclid Security Programs LLC is enthusiastic to announce our delegated authority partnership with the Insurance Programs unit of PartnerRe (PartnerRe Insurance Solutions Bermuda Ltd. +) as carrier partner for our General Liability, Supported Excess, and Unsupported Excess products. With the backing of Partner Re’s best-in-class intellectual capital, renowned underwriting discipline, and superior financial strength, we look forward to supporting the Security industry for their Liability insurance needs beginning in January 2023. Please visit our “Industries” and “Products” pages for more information on Euclid Security’s product offerings, and to download our applications.